Category Archives: Brainwave Entrainment

The Power of Concentration

Meditation is really about focus; focusing our mind on one thing, usually the breath.

Many times meditation is misunderstood as being just a time to close your eyes and relax. There is nothing wrong with this, but it is not meditation. The practice of meditation does require that you use the power of your mind to empty your mind and focus on the moment, not yesterday, not tomorrow, but right now.

This is more difficult than it sounds.

I have found that using special Brainwave Entrainment audios, the practice of focus becomes easier and that over time, I can achieve this focus without the audios if I choose to.

If you are having trouble getting into that focused, meditative state be sure to try a brainwave entrainment audio and just see how your meditation practice goes.

How Mind Programming Works

Before we start. I have created an audio version of this post.
Mind Programming Audio Blog
How Mind Programming Works
by Dick Sutphen
According to leading-edge physics research, the use of altered states of consciousness (hypnosis, meditation, sleep programming) can lead to a transformation of nearly every part of your life. Physics chemist Ilya Prigogine proved this with his Nobel Prize winning paper “Theory of Dissipative Structures.” Now confirmed by other experts, this theory has solved the mystery of why the use of altered states can result in life-changing insights, new behavioral patterns, and the relief of lifelong phobias or ailments.

Here’s how the theory works:
First, you must understand that human beings are structures. The structure of your body is composed of bone, muscle, and ligaments. Your brain, however, is given structure by the thoughts and memories that dictate your actions. Your mental programming (all your past thoughts, actions, experiences and learning) provides your brain structure. Prigogine’s theory states that complex structures (such as the human brain) require an enormous and consistent flow of energy to maintain their structure. In the brain, that energy is measured as brainwave levels on an EEG machine. The up-and-down pattern of brainwave levels reflects a fluctuation of energy to the brain. The larger the brainwave levels, the larger the fluctuation of energy. When you are fully awake (in Beta consciousness), your brainwave levels would show up on an EEG graph as small, up-and-down lines. There is little fluctuation in the level of energy.

The small fluctuations of energy offered by Beta rhythms are suppressed by the brain. They are compact and allow little new programming to enter.

When you alter your state of consciousness with hypnosis, meditation, or as happens naturally when you are crossing over into sleep, your brainwave levels shift to Alpha or Theta. In these altered states, there is a large fluctuation in the level of energy.

According to Prigogine, large fluctuations of energy can cause the structure to break apart and reorganize itself into an even more complex and higher form. That’s why suggestions given to an individual exploring in Alpha or Theta are so effective in creating change. The new suggestion, dropped into the uneven Alpha or Theta rhythms like a pebble in a pond, create a ripple effect through the stretched brainwaves, tearing apart old programming and creating new behaviors and viewpoints.

Check out Alpha Programming Plus – Program your mind for abundance!

This is not possible while you are fully awake in Beta, for the small fluctuations of energy are suppressed by the brain. They are tight and compact and cannot be torn apart easily.
If you are going to use hypnosis or sleep programming to create positive change in your life, it is not necessary to believe it will work for it to work. If properly programmed in an altered state, your brain will accept the programming as reality. It may take a few days, weeks or even months, but your subconscious will do everything within its power to match your outer reality with the new inner belief.

According to Prigogine’s theory, there’s an added bonus: each transformation makes the next one likelier! Carried to its logical conclusion, every time you successfully use an altered state of consciousness to solve a problem, program a new ability or achieve insights, you increase your chance of success the next time.

That’s when the miracles begin.

Hypnosis Everyone is already familiar with hypnosis, although they may not realize it. You pass through these altered states of consciousness at least twice a day, as you awaken in the morning and as you fall asleep at night.

Brain researchers and medical practitioners have divided brainwave activity into four levels, based on cycles-per-second of activity:

Beta: Full consciousness
Alpha: Falling asleep at night Awakening in the morning Hypnosis Meditation
Theta: Early stages of sleep Deep hypnosis Deep meditation
Delta: Full sleep to deepest sleep

Alpha, Theta and Delta are all considered altered states of consciousness. For most people, an altered state indicates mid Alpha range activity. In this stage, you will also remain aware of what is going on around you.

Recorded meditation and hypnosis sessions are a perfectly safe technique that can benefit anyone. It is a way to focus your full attention on one thing, directly communicating with your subconscious mind. You are then open to suggestion and positive change in your life.

What is Brainwave Entrainment

What is brainwave entrainment? Well, first we need to define entrainment.

Entrainment is the process whereby two interacting oscillating systems, which have different periods when they function independently, assume the same period. The two oscillators may fall into synchrony, but other phase relationships are also possible.

That is a bit technical, but think of a holding a tuning fork that is tuned to the frequency of a G note. Strike the tuning fork and place it near a guitar and you will notice that the G string on the guitar starts to vibrate! It has entrained on the tuning forks frequency.

How does this have anything to do with the brain?

It actually has a lot to do with your brain when you realize that your brain is pulsing with electrical impulses. This electrical activity can be measured with a piece of equipment called an electroencephalogram (EEG), which measures the frequency of the electrical current.

This frequency or speed of the brainwaves is measured in Hertz (Hz).

Now here is the really cool part – the predominant frequency that your brain is resonating with at any particular moment can be associated with your state of mind. This means that your state of mind, for example relaxed, frightened, or sleepy can be “seen” in your brainwave frequencies at that moment.

These frequencies and associated states have been studied for a long time and have been categorized into 4 broad categories.

  • Beta Waves – 13Hz to 20Hz. Beta waves are associated with normal waking consciousness. They are present when you are focused on activities in the outside world. However, too much beta can make one feel stressed out.
  • Alpha Waves – 8Hz to 12Hz. Alpha waves are likened to a light meditation. They are prevalent when you daydream. They will become stronger when your eyes are closed. An excellent state to be in to program your mind.
  • Theta Waves – 4Hz to 7Hz. Theta waves occur during heightened states of creativity and are found with a deep meditative state. Seek theta to access unconscious material, or to reveal insights and creative ideas.
  • Delta Waves – .5Hz to 3Hz. Delta waves are found in a deep sleep state or unconsciousness. Also, delta waves are common in very deep meditation. To stay conscious during delta takes practice.

So in a nutshell, brainwave entrainment is simply getting your brainwaves to resonate with an outside frequency so that your predominate brainwaves are one of the above frequencies.

This can be done in using audio or even visual stimulation. Audio is the most common because it is not expensive and it WORKS!

A great starter audio that will entrain your brain is call Into The Void.