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What is Brainwave Entrainment

What is brainwave entrainment? Well, first we need to define entrainment.

Entrainment is the process whereby two interacting oscillating systems, which have different periods when they function independently, assume the same period. The two oscillators may fall into synchrony, but other phase relationships are also possible.

That is a bit technical, but think of a holding a tuning fork that is tuned to the frequency of a G note. Strike the tuning fork and place it near a guitar and you will notice that the G string on the guitar starts to vibrate! It has entrained on the tuning forks frequency.

How does this have anything to do with the brain?

It actually has a lot to do with your brain when you realize that your brain is pulsing with electrical impulses. This electrical activity can be measured with a piece of equipment called an electroencephalogram (EEG), which measures the frequency of the electrical current.

This frequency or speed of the brainwaves is measured in Hertz (Hz).

Now here is the really cool part – the predominant frequency that your brain is resonating with at any particular moment can be associated with your state of mind. This means that your state of mind, for example relaxed, frightened, or sleepy can be “seen” in your brainwave frequencies at that moment.

These frequencies and associated states have been studied for a long time and have been categorized into 4 broad categories.

  • Beta Waves – 13Hz to 20Hz. Beta waves are associated with normal waking consciousness. They are present when you are focused on activities in the outside world. However, too much beta can make one feel stressed out.
  • Alpha Waves – 8Hz to 12Hz. Alpha waves are likened to a light meditation. They are prevalent when you daydream. They will become stronger when your eyes are closed. An excellent state to be in to program your mind.
  • Theta Waves – 4Hz to 7Hz. Theta waves occur during heightened states of creativity and are found with a deep meditative state. Seek theta to access unconscious material, or to reveal insights and creative ideas.
  • Delta Waves – .5Hz to 3Hz. Delta waves are found in a deep sleep state or unconsciousness. Also, delta waves are common in very deep meditation. To stay conscious during delta takes practice.

So in a nutshell, brainwave entrainment is simply getting your brainwaves to resonate with an outside frequency so that your predominate brainwaves are one of the above frequencies.

This can be done in using audio or even visual stimulation. Audio is the most common because it is not expensive and it WORKS!

A great starter audio that will entrain your brain is call Into The Void.

Some Meditation Basics

There are many different breathing techniques, but slow, deep focused breathing is always appropriate. Try and keep your tongue lightly touching the roof of your mouth. This is from the ancient art of Qigong. Doing this completes your body’s energy channel.

Breath is extremely powerful and books have been written on the subject. But for our purposes, just remember slow, deep breaths.

Should you sit, lie down or contort into a lotus position? Don’t worry, there is no need to contort your body into awkward positions. The main principle is to be in a comfortable position that is conducive to concentration and focus. This may be while sitting cross-legged or in a chair. One thing to remember is to keep your back straight but not tight or tense.

You can also lie down if sitting is uncomfortable, but this position often makes it too easy to fall asleep for most.

Hand Position
There are many hand positions. Today I will cover a few of the most popular. Choose one that feels comfortable for you.
meditation hand position

Position 1: Put one hand on each leg with the palms facing up. Lightly touch the thumb and middle finger together. A variation on this position is to not touch the thumb and middle finger. Just let your hands relax with the palms facing up.

Position 2: Put your hands in your lap with the tips of all fingers touching. Right thumb to left thumb, right index finger with left index finger and so on. This is my favorite.

Whatever position you choose, feel the energy flowing through your hands.

What is Meditation

What is Meditation?
Meditation is a state of consciousness; an altered state of consciousness. In its technical definition, meditation is the controlled modification of a person’s brainwaves. When you are able to coax your brainwaves into the Alpha or Theta range you experience “meditation”.

But I believe that the meditative experience is more than just a shift in our brainwaves. This shift in the brainwaves is just the physical aspect of a discipline that is so much more.

In meditation, what you are really trying to do is to still your mind.  It sounds easy, and it really is but meditation does take discipline and time to master.

Brainwave entrainment audios make learning meditation much easier, but that is a topic for another post.  If you are interested in learning more about brainwave entrainment download the Brainwave Manual.

Meditation is a time when you let go, disconnect from your physical body and senses and explore your true self, your source.

But how does meditation benefit us?  Well, there are many benefits that you will experience when you incorporate meditation into your daily regimen. There are too many to list, but I’ll give you a few:

  • Physical Benefits
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Improved immune system functioning
  • Decreased need for sleep
  • Increased energy
  • Lowering of your stress levels
  • Emotions
  • Feeling of bliss
  • Facilitates a shift in perspective allowing a more positive outlook on life.
  • Eases changes in habits
  • Helps you keep your temper in check
  • Increased focus
  • Spiritual
  • Discover your connection to source
  • Discover your true self
  • Find your own answers to spiritual questions
  • Out of Body Experiences (OBE)

I want to stress that most of these benefits are not just speculation but scientifically proven. I point this out to help you make the decision to start a meditation routine. I think these benefits are a good reason to start, don’t you?

So now you have decided to start regularly practicing meditation.

More on how to meditate soon!