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Healingfest 2012


Spring Forest Healingfest
An online event to…
Erase pain, stress, and sickness from your body
Yours free!
Spring Forest Healingfest begins March 12

If you suffer from any pain, disease, fatigue, stress, or the effects of aging, you may just have found the answer you’ve been searching for.
For the first time ever, the very same program that has helped tens of thousands of people unlock inner health, healing, natural beauty, higher energy, and happiness will be available free over the Internet. For six days only. Beginning March 12.
Here are just a few of the many problems that have been helped through this system:
  • General pain: neck, shoulder, lower back, knee, arthritis, joints
  • Migraine headaches, sinus problems, allergies
  • Weight control, high cholesterol, and digestion problems
  • Hearing or sight problems
  • Female or male organ problems
  • Kidney or liver dysfunction
  • Strokes
  • Diabetes and high blood sugar
  • Gall or kidney stones
  • Heart disease, high blood pressure, and circulation problems
  • Depression
  • Cancers
  • Lung problems
  • Autoimmune dysfunction such as AIDS and lupus
  • Mental disorders: anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, panic attacks, addictions, obsessive/compulsive disorder, hyperactivity, dyslexia
When you sign-up today, you can listen to 10 professionally produced audio sessions (all about 30 minutes long) and watch a video program (about 60 minutes) absolutely free. It is designed to help you learn the art of self-healing so that you can immediately feel better, have much more energy, and be happy.
Spring Forest Healingfest begins March 12

This is a natural process that anyone can do at home.
Please sign up today, and let your friends know about it.
The Spring Forest Healingfest is our gift to the world. It is absolutely free, and we would like you to share it with as many people as possible including health practitioners and people who could use healing.
To your health and well-being!

Cultivating Gratitude through Service

If you have read anything about the Law Of Attraction, you will most likely have read about how gratitude can activate this Universal truth.

While the concept of gratitude is simple, be grateful for all you have, stirring these feelings can be a bit more difficult.

It is pretty easy to intellectually know that  do have a lot to be grateful for — friends, family, heath, a home, food, etc — but it is sometimes difficult to emotionally feel grateful.

Today I want share with you a way to kick start those feelings of gratitude!

I’m talking about service. Now “service” can mean a lot of things, but at its foundation is doing for others for the plain reason of helping them.  Not because you want something in return, but just because.

When you do this you will find that it makes you feel good (another Law Of Attraction activation force) and it also makes feeling grateful flow through you with ease.

I think this is because by helping others you find a deep inner worth and this makes you at first feel grateful for being you and then allows you to “see” all the other things that you have to be grateful for.

But how do you serve?

There are many ways to serve.  It can be as simple as holding the door for someone or stopping and helping someone with a flat tire.

There are many other places to serve.  Here are few ways to find some opportunities:

  1. Look on and enter your zipcode.
  2. Call your local Human Society
  3. Contact a local Church.  They have many opportunities within the church and are also connected to many local charities that can always use a helping and loving hand.

Now, you don’t have to spend 40 hours a week serving others.  If you even take one weekend or night a month to start you will find that the time you spend helping will be repaid a hundred times in many different forms.

One last suggestion.  When you serve, do it not for yourself, but because of your love for others.

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The Power of a Positive Attitude

Image by onkel_wart via Flickr

I am going to ask you to something very weird right now. First of all, I want you to listen to your thoughts. Now tell me, what thoughts fill your head? Would you label them as positive, or negative?

Now let’s say you are walking down the street with these thoughts. Do you think anyone who would meet you would be able to tell you what’s on your mind?

The answer to number one is up to you. But you may not realize the answer number two.  Although people will not be able to tell you exactly what you think, they will more or less have an idea of how you are feeling.

Here’s another question. When you enter a party filled with friends, do they all fall silent as if something terrible had happened? Or does everybody there perk up as if waiting for something exciting to happen?

You know what? The answer to all these depends on your frame of mind.

Thoughts are very powerful. They affect your general attitude. The attitude you carry reflects on your appearance, too – unless, of course, you are a great actor.

And it doesn’t end there. Your attitude can also affect people around you.

The type of attitude you carry depends on you. It can be either positive or negative.

Positive thoughts have an uplifting effect on you and others. They are admittedly invigorating. Plus, the people around the person carrying positive thoughts are usually energized by this type of attitude.

Negative thoughts on the other hand have a sapping effect on other people. Aside from making you look gloomy and sad, negative thoughts can turn a festive gathering into a funeral wake.

A positive attitude attracts people, while a negative attitude repels them. People tend to shy away from those who carry a negative attitude.

You have much to gain from a very positive attitude. For one, studies have shown that a positive attitude promotes better health. Those with this kind of attitude also have more friends. projecting a positive attitude also helps one to handle stress and problems better than those who have a negative attitude.

A positive attitude begins with a healthy self-image. If you will love the way you are and are satisfied, confident, and self-assured, you also make others are around feel the same way.

A negative attitude, on the other hand, has, of course, an opposite effect. So, carrying a negative attitude has a twofold drawback. You feel bad about yourself, and you make others feel the same way.

If you want to have a positive attitude, you have to feature healthy thoughts. This is probably very hard to do nowadays since, all around us, the media feeds us nothing but negative thoughts. A study shows that for every 14 things a parent says to his or her child, only one is positive. This is truly a saddening thought.

If you want a healthier outlook in life, you need to think happy thoughts, and you have to hear positive things as well. So, what can you do? Well, for starters, you could see a funny movie, you could play with children, spend some time telling jokes with friends. All these activities fill you with positive stimuli, which in turn promotes positive attitude.

One of the best ways that I have found to create  a positive outlook on life is to use brainwave entrainment audios.  Take a second on go to the Brainwave Library.  Here you can download two free brainwave sessions that will get you started on a more positive outlook!

This positive attitude you now carry can be of benefit to other people. Sometimes when other people feel down, the thing people mostly do is try to give them advice. But sometimes, all they need is somebody to sit by them, and listen to them. If you have a positive attitude you may be able to cheer them up without even having to say anything.

As always, if you are beset by troubles, even in your darkest hour, focus on the good things in life, listen to your brainwave session and you will have hope. Problems become something you can overcome.

Check out the Brainwave Library now!

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